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Christie van der Haak's variegated world: 'It matches anyway' - Omroep West

Christie van der Haak's variegated world: 'It matches anyway' - Omroep West

In honor of Christie van der Haak's exhibition and our new publication Celebrating Patterns. Christie van der Haak Omroep West payed Stedelijk Museum Kampen a visit and talked with Christie herself about how she creates her patterns and the influence they have on the viewer.

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Review Sjanghaipark in Oase

Review Sjanghaipark in Oase

For the latest edition of OASE, Machteld Klees wrote a review about our publication Sjanghaipark. Foundation Oase is an open network for everyone that is interested in natural gardens and parks in the Netherlands and in Belgium. Their vision consists of combining nature, gardens, culture and art at different locations and at contrasting scales. This really suits our publication Sjanghaipark so we are very happy with their review.

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Alexis Blake winner of Prix de Rome Visual Arts 2021

Alexis Blake winner of Prix de Rome Visual Arts 2021

On Tuesday November 30th Alexis Blake received the Prix de Rome Visual Arts 2021 from demissionary Minister van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science. Blake received this award for her performance Rock to jolt [ ] stagger to ash. The award comes with a 40.000 euro cash prize and a work period at an artist at residency of choice.

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03|12 22|12 December Bookshop: The Book as Art and Vision by Jap Sam Books

03|12 22|12 December Bookshop: The Book as Art and Vision by Jap Sam Books

Jap Sam Books is honoured to announce our collaboration with SIxtyEight Art Institute and Really Simple Syndicate press. Together with Denisa Tomkova, curator and research fellow from SixtyEight Art Institute (Copenhagen, DK) we curated a bookshop and an exhibition.

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02|12 05|12 Time Encircled: Rody Luton Book and exhibition at puntWG

02|12 05|12 Time Encircled: Rody Luton Book and exhibition at puntWG

On the occasion of the release of Rody Luton's new publication Rody Luton. The Encircled there will be an exhibition at puntWG in Amsterdam. New paintings and photo works of the artist will be on show between December 2nd and December 5th. 

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Beurs van Bijzondere Uitgevers 4 & 5 December 2021

Beurs van Bijzondere Uitgevers 4 & 5 December 2021

Beurs van Bijzondere Uitgevers 2021 is on! Jap Sam Books can be found at Beurs van Bijzondere Uitgevers o December 5th. Come by and say hello! Over a hundred publishers and makers from The Netherlands and Belgium sell on Saturday December 4th and Sunday December 5th art books, literary masterpieces, poetry collections, unique (paper) objects and much more in Paradiso.

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