Talk and last chance to visit "Virtical Thinking" by Arjan van Helmond

Left to right: Arjan van Helmond, Eleonoor Jap Sam & graphic designer Brigitte Gootink (PutGootink)
Saturday June 4th is the last day of Arjan van Helmond's exhibition at the Albada Jelgersma Gallery. On this day at 2PM Edo Dijksterhuis will talk with Arjan van Helmond about van Helmond's exhibition Vertical Thinking. Don't let this last chance to see the exhibition slip, you are welcome to visit!
About the artist
Arjan van Helmond is interested in painting as a medium that helps us think about objects, places and representations of spaces of our daily lives. His art practice focuses on appropriating through painting the unspectacular and even banal aspects of daily life: a view of the sea, a garden, the house we live in, the carpet under our feet, souvenirs and trinkets in the closet. Images that tell us a story and yet, his paintings are not explicitly narrative. Instead they use ordinary and evocative details to build up a form of realism, to trace a path between history, culture, cliché and everyday human behaviour;
Besides maintaining an artistic career, with international exhibitions in New York (USA) and Los Angeles (USA) London (UK), Sydney (Australia) and Shanghai (China), he teaches Painting at AKI-ArtEZ School for Art and Design in Enschede and is engaged as a advisor for AFK, the Amsterdam Art Foundation and CAWA.
What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond
Last month we launched What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond, a publication about the oeuvre of visual artist Arjan van Helmond, which offers a broad overview of his work from the past 12 years. The book is a moment of looking back, reflection, collecting and connecting.
They are not carefully arranged still lifes, rather a subtle ‘still for a moment’. As if the artist has pressed the pause button of everyday life, very briefly. - Marieke Jooren (author)
Order What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond