Images of book launch "TOUCH"

On Sunday May 21st, we launched the new book TOUCH by artist Caren van Herwaarden at Museum De Pont in Tilburg. The event started with a performance by Nishant Bhola, and talks by Caren van Herwaarden, Eleonoor Jap Sam, and graphic designer Ruud Willems. The first copy of the book was given to artist Arno Kramer.
This monograph is layered, sweltering, beastly, earthly, and raw, alternated by transparency, lightness, and simplicity of pencil drawings. The artworks interchange from light to ominous, dark, and monumental. From fast and hectic to forcibly slow-adagio.
ISBN 978-94-92852-75-5
Price € 35,00
Artist Caren van Herwaarden
Texts Merel Bem, Gustan Asselbergs, Ludo van Halem, Caren van Herwaarden, Hendrik Driessen
Editing Caren van Herwaarden, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Ruud Willems
Graphic design Ruud Willems
Number of pages 144
Book size 24 x 28 cm
Binding softcover with dustjacket
Language English | Dutch
Translation Lloyd Haft
Release date Spring 2023
Publisher Jap Sam Books
With the support of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds / Elisabeth Vermaat Müller Fonds, Jaap Harten Fonds, Mondriaan Fund
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