24.11.2019 and 28.11.2019 Mediakunst Festival Arnhem

At the end of this week the book A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands: Platforms, Policies, Technologies edited by Marga van Mechelen and Sanneke Huisman, designed by Mind Design, and made possible by Jap Sam Books, the Mondriaan Fund, the Creative Industries Fund NL, LIMA and V2_, is finally ready.
On this occasion, Museum Arnhem and Focus Filmtheater will present the Media Art Festival Arnhem on Sunday 24 November 2019 from 11:00 to 22:00.
Co-editor Marga van Mechelen will present the book to Saskia Bak, director of Museum Arnhem, and Mirjam Westen, curator of contemporary art at Museum Arnhem, will explain the importance of this new book. For more information: https://www.focusarnhem.nl/agenda/media-kunst-festival-arnhem-blok-3/