08.09.2017 Architecture Night (N/a), 08-17.09.2017 Festival of Architecture 2017

From 8 to 17 September 2017, the Flanders Architecture Institute will be presenting the first edition of the Festival of Architecture (F/a). For a ten-day period, visitors will be able to discover architecture in all its guises. For architecture is more than just building. It is a process in which designers, residents and surroundings all converge. During the festival, both builders and artists will be sharing their ideas about architecture.
On 8 September, the Festival of Architecture will get off to a spectacular start with Architecture Night (N/a). The Flanders Architecture Institute and BVA, the professional association for architects, will be joining forces for an exciting evening celebration filled with performances, talk shows, films and music, all on the subject of architecture.
A selection of new publications by Jap Sam Books will be available during the book fair at the book stand of the Flanders Architecture Institute. Mark Pimlott will be present during the book programme of the Architecture Night, and he will talk about his new book The Public Interior as Idea and Project
Location: deSingel International Kunstcampus, Antwerp, Belgium
For more information about the Festival of Architecture and the Architecture Night: https://www.vai.be/en/event/festival-of-architecture-2017 and https://bvarchitecten.be/nachtvandearchitectuur/