Prix Bob Calle 2019 du livre d'artiste

Our publication Evidence by artists Jan Dietvorst and Roy Villevoyeh has been selected for the Prix Bob Calle 2019 du livre d'artiste. The publication is co-published by Argos Centre for Art & Media in Brussels, with text contributions by Andrea Cinel and An van. Dienderen. The Prix Bob Calle 2019 will be awarded on Wednesday 13 March at The Beaux-Arts de Paris. All books selected are exhibited until the 29 of March in the library of Beaux-Arts de Paris, on the 1st floor of the Palais des études.
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'Bob Calle, founder and first director of the Carré d'Art in Nîmes Jean Bousquet (1988-1993), was a passionate artist books, that is to say original works designed for the book medium. The artist book arousing growing interest among artists and collectors, deserved to be known to a wider audience. Bob Calle Association for the artist's book aims to contribute to the recognition of the artist's book in its artistic specificity and its international influence by awarding an annual prize.'