Looking back: book launch "Home Made Energy. Bastienne Kramer"

Last month the monograph Home Made Energy by artist Bastienne Kramer, designed by Yvonne van Versendaal launched!
Kramer's work is in the fields of sculpture and installation. She combines familiar and unfamiliar objects in unorthodox ways that lead to completely contrary and sometimes even usable objects. While her works are highly distinctive in form and figuration, all the interventions comment on cultural and political phenomena within societies. in 2019, Kramer had a solo exhibition at the kunstvereniging Diepenheim. This exhibition provided the impetus for a survey of her work in the form of a book. As the first wave of the pandemic ruled out physical encounters for an indeterminate period of time, the idea of 'a book as exhibition' developed into Home Made Energy.
Made possible by Mondriaan Fund, het Cultuurfonds, thanks to Elisabeth Vermaat Müller Fonds, Jaap Harten Fonds, Fonds Kwadraat, Stichting Stokroos.
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