Extended until January 20th 2022: December Bookshop: Books as Art and Vision by Jap Sam Books

Image: detail from A Colour Has Many Layers, Liesbeth Piena, 2021. Courtesy of the Artist.
We are grateful to announce that our December Bookshop has been extented until January 20th 2022!
At the beginning of this month December Bookshop: The Book as Art and Vision by Jap Sam Books has been been officialy opened by a talk between curator Denisa Tomkova and Eleonoor Jap Sam, founder and editor at Jap Sam Books.
The exhibition highlights the following book projects, Erik Odijk, The Academy of the Sublime, The Academy of the Sublime, Anuli Croon Patterns of Life | Levenspatronen, A Colour Has Many Layers. Liesbeth Piena, Before I Was Born from artist Tja Ling Hu, No Seat At The Table from artist Minem Sezgin, The Walter Benjamin and Albert S. Project from artist Maurice Bogaert and a teaser from the upcoming book project form artist Rune Peitersen named RAABJERG. In addition to the exhibition there will be new books and books from our backlist for sale in the bookshop.
SixtyEight Art Institute will post on their Instagram about the books that can be bought on site and about the art that can be seen.
SixtyEight Art Institute Instagram here
Read the full brochure here