17.05.2021 - AICA-Salon - History of Media Art in NL

In 2019 Jap Sam Books published A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands: Platforms, Policies, Technologies.
This edited volume offers an in-depth exploration of Dutch media art from 1985 onwards from many different perspectives. Through early access to the Internet, state subsidies and dedicated institutions and festivals, a vivid counter-cultural environment and a cosmopolitan artistic and intellectual scene the Netherlands hold a unique position in regards to the development of media art.
In the upcoming AICA-Salon, this publication will be the central theme. Editors, Marga van Mechelen and Sanneke Huisman, will talk about what their greatest discoveries were when they compiled the book.
A talk with editors Marga van Mechelen, Sanneke Huisman, art critic Floor van Luijk and Anne de Jong from Upstream Gallery.
Joke de Wolf, art critic and president of AICA-Nederland, will moderate the discussion.
Location: online via Zoom, registration via this link.
Time: Monday May 17th, from 20:00 to 21:30 at the latest
Admission free and open to everyone
For more information: International Association of art critics / Internationale vereniging van kunstcritici AICA Nederland