Book presentation "Labyrinth. Ton Kraayeveld" / November 13th Dordrechts Museum

Ton Kraayeveld will present his new publication Labyrinth. Ton Kraayeveld on November 13th, 3PM in the Dordrechts Museum.
About the event
After a welcome by Ton Kraayeveld one of the authors of the publication, Marie Jeanne de Rooij will interview Ton. Renate Boere, designer of Labyrinth will explain about the design. The book will be for sale during this event.
Location: Dordrechts Museum / Auditorium, Museumstraat 38, Dordrecht (entrance via restaurant Art & Dining) entry is free.
About the publication
Labyrinth is an exploration into Ton Kraayeveld's 'network in space and time'. The opening contribution by Bertus Pieters guides us through Kraayeveld's oeuvre, his relationship to Modernism, the influence of his daily experiences and a net of well-known historical figures. A collection of exemplary paintings is accompanied by selected questions from an interview by Marie Jeanne de Rooij. Each question giving an opportunity to reflect, uncover and peak into the labyrinth of his oeuvre. Following is a text by Niek van Vugt and Madeleine Steigenga, admirers and collectors of his work. Ge van Steenbergen then briefly discusses a small green painting before a final contribution by Katja Diallo who explores the ever-constant presence of Franz Kafka throughout Kraayeveld's works.
Connected with each other, the paintings and drawings by Ton K. stare at the audience, inviting it to enter his world where time and space are flexible and visual anachronism is normal. Each painting is a protest against forgetting, in which fragmentation and simultaneity merge. His work is less about the act of painting than about the painting itself as a bearer of images or meanings. Abstraction and figuration coincide, always deriving from reality and giving his paintings a stronger unity and coherence, a new-found layeredness. For Kraayeveld, a painting has to invite the viewer to see it from several perspectives, levels and interpretations. A new challenging tension is introduced by a shift from a literary to a more implicit political subject matter.
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