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Architecture / Bookazines / Series / New titles / Theory
Architecture / Bookazines / Series / New titles / Theory / Urbanism
For a subscription: Bruil & Van de Staaij
Art / Artist books / New titles
Art / Artist books / New titles / Special editions & prints
Art / Artist books / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Photography
New titles / Photography / Theory
Art / Artist books / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Philosophy / Photography
Made possible by Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds, Stichting Stokroos, het Cultuurfonds Noord-Holland, AAP-lab, Donateurs Crowdfunding Voordekunst
Art / Artist books / New titles / Special editions & prints
Architecture / Art / Artist books / Design / New titles / Special editions & prints
CATPC with Hicham Khalidi and Renzo Martens / CATPC avec Hicham Khalidi et Renzo Martens
Art / Artist books / Awarded / New titles / Photography
Made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund, Cultuurfonds, crowdfunding/Voordekunst, and all those who supported Hanna Hrabarska to realize her project.
Architecture / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Theory / Urbanism
Universities and Architecture Schools involved in this publication: Architectural Association London. London Metropolitan University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xiamen University, Tung Hai University Taichung, TU Berlin.
Other institutions: CHORA UK London, CHORA NL, CHORA Berlin, CHORA Conscious City at the TU Berlin.