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CATPC with Hicham Khalidi and Renzo Martens / CATPC avec Hicham Khalidi et Renzo Martens
Art / Film / video / New titles
Art / Artist books / Awarded / New titles / Photography
Made possible with the support of the Mondriaan Fund, Cultuurfonds, crowdfunding/Voordekunst, and all those who supported Hanna Hrabarska to realize her project.
Art / Artist books / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Philosophy / Photography
Made possible by Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds, Stichting Stokroos, het Cultuurfonds Noord-Holland, AAP-lab, Donateurs Crowdfunding Voordekunst
Architecture / Art / Artist books / Awarded / Design / New titles
Art / Artist books / New titles
This publication is published on the occasion of the granting of the Sieger White Award to Simone Albers in 2022 and of her solo exhibition at Maurits van de Laar Gallery, in The Hague, November 2023.
Art / Artist books / New titles
This book has been made possible with the generous support of the Jaap Harten Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stichting Stokroos
Art / Artist books / New titles
Art / Awarded / Design / Landscape | Nature / New titles / Photography