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The Panda People and Other Works | Henrik Vibskov

+++ +++

+++Hannah Heilmann, Pernil Taagaard Dinesen+++



Graphic designer

Alastair Wiper & Henrik Vibskov

Number of pages


Book size

21 x 29,7 cm



Date of release: March 2010


'%22Henrik Vibskov%22 – the Danish name that echoes internationally through design circles, the music industry, the theatre world and the art scene. As a graduate form the prestigious Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design in London, Henrik Vibskov has in less than nine years created an image of himself as a worldwide avantgarde designer of innovative clothing, as an electronic musician in collaboration with Anders Trentemøller and Mikael Simpson, and as an artist with exhibitions at PS1 and MoMA in New York, Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and Zeeuws Museum in Middelburg, the Netherlands.
If one is puzzled by this enormous and versatile activity, perhaps part of the explanation lies in the fact that Henrik Vibskov doesn't isolate his interests but lets fashion design, installation art, performance theatre and music go hand in hand to create an entirely new expression.

A quick glance at contemporary art tells us that the idea of joined works of art has not been discarded. On the contrary. Constantly challenging the traditional conception of art, the artist of today works with an ocean of references from politics and popular culture to globalization, climate change, fashion, consumption, design and architecture. Where the avant-garde earlier
was a counter reaction to the established art scene, the avant-garde frame of mind is today an indivisible part of contemporary art. The artist experiments, plays, crosses borders and insists that art should break away from the art institution and become accessible to everyone in our everyday lives.

Henrik Vibskov is exactly such an artist: all-round creative, experimenting, confronting and investigating. The beautiful and organic graphic works featured in this book are unique and independent works. Their minimalistic expressions are accompanied by an uncontrollable wildness in an experimenting colour explosion. Henrik Vibskov's graphic expressions create a platform for the understanding of a bobbling parallel universe. The visual experiences in this book are therefore just the first chapter in an enriching artistic alternative world where the diffused borders of the disciplines become the very catalyst of the project. The borders of the artworks flow in and out between each other, just as is the case with the anarchist line in Henrik Vibskov's graphic works.'

preface Pernille Taagaard Dinesen, Museum Curator, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark.

Hannah Heilmann, Pernil Taagaard Dinesen


The Panda People and Other Works | Henrik Vibskov

Hannah Heilmann, Pernil Taagaard Dinesen


Sold out

Art / Design / Fashion



Graphic designer

Alastair Wiper & Henrik Vibskov

Number of pages


Book size

21 x 29,7 cm



Date of release: March 2010

'%22Henrik Vibskov%22 – the Danish name that echoes internationally through design circles, the music industry, the theatre world and the art scene. As a graduate form the prestigious Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design in London, Henrik Vibskov has in less than nine years created an image of himself as a worldwide avantgarde designer of innovative clothing, as an electronic musician in collaboration with Anders Trentemøller and Mikael Simpson, and as an artist with exhibitions at PS1 and MoMA in New York, Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and Zeeuws Museum in Middelburg, the Netherlands.
If one is puzzled by this enormous and versatile activity, perhaps part of the explanation lies in the fact that Henrik Vibskov doesn't isolate his interests but lets fashion design, installation art, performance theatre and music go hand in hand to create an entirely new expression.

A quick glance at contemporary art tells us that the idea of joined works of art has not been discarded. On the contrary. Constantly challenging the traditional conception of art, the artist of today works with an ocean of references from politics and popular culture to globalization, climate change, fashion, consumption, design and architecture. Where the avant-garde earlier
was a counter reaction to the established art scene, the avant-garde frame of mind is today an indivisible part of contemporary art. The artist experiments, plays, crosses borders and insists that art should break away from the art institution and become accessible to everyone in our everyday lives.

Henrik Vibskov is exactly such an artist: all-round creative, experimenting, confronting and investigating. The beautiful and organic graphic works featured in this book are unique and independent works. Their minimalistic expressions are accompanied by an uncontrollable wildness in an experimenting colour explosion. Henrik Vibskov's graphic expressions create a platform for the understanding of a bobbling parallel universe. The visual experiences in this book are therefore just the first chapter in an enriching artistic alternative world where the diffused borders of the disciplines become the very catalyst of the project. The borders of the artworks flow in and out between each other, just as is the case with the anarchist line in Henrik Vibskov's graphic works.'

preface Pernille Taagaard Dinesen, Museum Curator, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark.